Links and addresses

useful in the event of a dispute

Find all the contacts, links and useful addresses to settle your dispute.

Challenge a report

If you have not paid a ticket

If you wish to contest a report

Making a commercial claim

If you wish to make a commercial claim following a dispute :

Make your claim to SNCF Voyageurs for a commercial dispute

By post :
SNCF Voyageurs
Service relation client SNCF
62 973 Arras Cedex 9

Online >

Make your claim to SNCF Connect for a commercial dispute

By post :
Service Clients SNCF Connect
2 place de la Défense
CNIT 1 – BP 440
92 053 Paris La Défense

Online >

Make your claim to OUIGO for a commercial dispute

By post :
Service Relation Client SNCF
62 973 Arras

Online >

Make your claim to Max Jeune for a commercial dispute

By post :
Service Max Jeune
2 place de la Défense
CNIT 1 – BP 440
92 053 Paris La Défense

By mail :

Make your claim to TER for a commercial dispute

Contact the TER customer service >

Make your claim to Transilien SNCF for a commercial dispute

By post :
Relations clientèle SNCF
Transilien TSA 21262
75 564 Paris
Cedex 12

Online >

Make your claim to Eurostar for a commercial dispute

By post :
Eurostar traveller care
Kent House
81 Station Road
Ashford, Kent TN 231AP
United Kingdom

Online >

Make your claim to Thalys for a commercial dispute

By post :
Service clientèle Thalys
BP 14 -B- 1050 Bruxelles 5

Online >

Make your claim to Corsican Railways for a commercial dispute

By post :
Chemins de fer de la Corse
Service Commercial BP 237
20 200 Bastia

Online >

Other useful information:

  • List of approved national consumer associations
    Read more >
  • List of approved national consumer associations signatories of the memorandum of understanding of 16/10/2020
    Read more >
  • Club of Public Service Mediators
    Read more >
  • European Consumer Centre France
    Read more >
  • European Consumer Dispute Platform
    Read more >

The SNCF Passenger Mediation activity report


Pursuant to the provisions of Article 613-1 paragraph of the Consumer Code, the Mediator draws up an annual report on his activity.

Download the 2022 annual report (FR) >