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Links and addresses

useful in the event of a dispute

Find all the contacts, links and useful addresses to settle your dispute.

Challenge a report

If you have not paid a ticket

If you wish to contest a report

Making a commercial claim

If you wish to make a commercial claim following a dispute :

Make your claim to SNCF Voyageurs for a commercial dispute

By post :
SNCF Voyageurs
Service relation client SNCF
62 973 Arras Cedex 9

Online >

Make your claim to SNCF Connect for a commercial dispute

By post :
Service Clients SNCF Connect
2 place de la Défense
CNIT 1 – BP 440
92 053 Paris La Défense

Online >

Make your claim to OUIGO for a commercial dispute

By post :
Service Relation Client SNCF
62 973 Arras

Online >

Make your claim to Max Jeune for a commercial dispute

By post :
Service Max Jeune
2 place de la Défense
CNIT 1 – BP 440
92 053 Paris La Défense

By mail :

Make your claim to TER for a commercial dispute

Contact the TER customer service >

Make your claim to Transilien SNCF for a commercial dispute

By post :
Relations clientèle SNCF
Transilien TSA 21262
75 564 Paris
Cedex 12

Online >

Make your claim to Eurostar for a commercial dispute

For travel to or from London (St Pancras International),
please send your request to:

Eurostar Contact Centre
2nd Floor Kent House
81 Station Road
Ashford Kent
TN23 1AP
United Kingdom

For any other travel excluding travel to or from London,
please send your request to:

Centre de Contact Eurostar
BP 14
1050 Ixelles

Online >

Make your claim to Corsican Railways for a commercial dispute

By post :
Chemins de fer de la Corse
Service Commercial BP 237
20 200 Bastia

Online >

Other useful information:

  • List of approved national consumer associations
    Read more >
  • List of approved national consumer associations signatories of the memorandum of understanding of 16/10/2020
    Read more >
  • Club of Public Service Mediators
    Read more >
  • European Consumer Centre France
    Read more >
  • European Consumer Dispute Platform
    Read more >

The SNCF Passenger Mediation activity report

Pursuant to the provisions of Article 613-1 paragraph of the Consumer Code, the Mediator draws up an annual report on his activity.

Download the 2023 annual report (FR) >