The SNCF Voyageurs'


What is mediation?

Mediation is a free and confidential recourse for customers who are dissatisfied with the response of a professional following their complaint.

The mediation of consumption is framed by several legal texts, and mainly by the Code of consumption (articles L 611-1 to L 641-1, articles R 612-1 to R 616-1). In order to appeal to the SNCF Voyageurs Mediator, you must have already made a written complaint to which SNCF Voyageurs, Eurostar or Chemins de Fer de la Corse have refused in writing or have not replied within the deadlines listed below:

For SNCF Voyageurs :
1 month from the sending of your written complaint.

Logo SNCF Voyageurs

For SNCF Voyageurs :
1 month from the sending of your written complaint.

For Eurostar, Thalys and Chemins de Fer de la Corse: 3 months from the sending of your written complaint. This claim must not be more than one year old.

For Eurostar and Chemins de Fer de la Corse: 3 months from the sending of your written complaint. This claim must not be more than one year old.

In disputes between a consumer and a professional, mediation aims to resolve the dispute in an independent, impartial, transparent and fair manner. It is initiated voluntarily by the consumer; it is free of charge.

If your complaint concerns a violation of the first four classes of the rail transport police (articles R2241-8 to R2241-30 of the Transport Code and prefectural decrees for stations: no ticket, invalid discount, irregular crossing of a control line, ticket not stamped, etc.) recorded in a report by an SNCF Voyageurs agent, you must refer the matter to the Mediation officer, after the Collection Center, within 3 months of the date of the ticket.

The mediation process

Frame 215
Free and confidential

The mediation process is free. You will only be responsible for postage costs and any paid consulting fees (lawyer). The process is confidential, as the Mediator and his team are bound by professional secrecy.

The different stages of the process

Refer to the Mediator.

The Mediator, after receiving a request from a client who provides him with all the documents necessary for the investigation of the request, notifies the parties by email or by post of its receipt. This notification is the starting point of the process.

The Mediator and his team examine the cases on the basis of the elements transmitted to them by the parties. :

  • For commercial disputes, the response time is 90 days after notification of receipt of the above request. The Mediator may extend this time limit if the dispute is complex, in which case he will inform the parties.
  • In the case of reports, referral to the Ombudsman suspends the transmission of the report to the public prosecutor.

To Know

  • You may withdraw from the mediation process at any time.
  • If your dispute does not fall within the scope of the Mediator’s powers, you will be informed within 3 weeks.

The Mediator gives his opinions in law and in equity, by mail or email depending on the method of referral. These opinions are rendered in French or English, depending on the language in which they were submitted.

  • Regarding commercial disputes: the opinion is a proposal. The parties are free to accept or reject within 14 days from the date on the notice. After this period, the notice will be considered as accepted. In the event of an express refusal by one of the parties within this period, the notice shall not be applied and the other party shall be informed of the refusal.
  • Concerning the requests relating to the minutes (SNCF Voyageurs): the opinion has the value of a proposal. In the event of a reduction in the amount of the fine, agreed to by both parties, the process will continue and you will be required to pay your fine in accordance with the Ombudsman’s opinion. In the absence of payment, the official report of infraction is transmitted to the public prosecutor and the fine is increased.

In both cases, the Ombudsman’s opinion is final. It is not subject to appeal to him. However, you have the possibility of bringing an action before any competent court in order to assert your rights; within the framework of this procedure, the opinion of the Mediator cannot be produced and would have no value.

The Mediator's mission

It carries out its mission in complete impartiality and has a separate and sufficient budget as well as a dedicated team.

It acts in accordance with the provisions of the Consumer Code relating to consumer mediation and the Mediation Protocol signed on 16 October 2020.

Download the protocol